Department of Human Services
Part-Time Lecturer Pool POSITION The Department of Human Services at CSU Fullerton invites applications for its Part-Time Lecturer Pool.
We welcome applications from individuals who are experienced and student centered to teach in the following subject areas:
- Case Management
- Introduction to Human Services
- Crisis Intervention
This is a pool of part-time lecturers for the department to draw on as necessary. Qualified applicants will be contacted when positions are available.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS - A Master’s degree in Counseling, Social Work or related field or equivalent experience.
- Clinical Licensure
- Candidates should have prior teaching experience at the university level.
- Candidates should demonstrate their ability to interact and work effectively with a wide and culturally diverse range of students, including first-generation college students.
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS - Preference will be given to those with significant teaching experience in working with diverse populations and fostering a collaborative, supportive and inclusive environment.
- Preference will also be given to those with relevant performance and professional experience.
HOW TO APPLY A complete online application must be submitted in order to receive consideration. Please provide the following materials as it relates to your application requirements:
- Letter of interest or Cover Letter
- Summary of Teaching Experience/ Courses
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Two Letters of Recommendation
- Unofficial transcripts (official transcripts required upon appointment)
- Sample Course Syllabi (if available)
- Inclusive Excellence Statement (no more than 500 words):
This statement provides the candidate’s unique perspective on their past and present contributions to and future aspirations for promoting and engaging with a diverse student population. This statement aims to showcase the candidate’s professional experience, intellectual commitments, and/or willingness to teach and create an academic environment supportive of all students.
Applications will be reviewed as needed. Please direct all questions about the position to: Joe Albert Garcia, Department Chair, Human Services Department at
ABOUT THE COLLEGE AND THE DEPARTMENT California State University, Fullerton is a minority-serving institution and an equal opportunity employer with a strong commitment to increasing the diversity of the campus community and the curriculum. CSUF fosters an inclusive environment within which students, faculty, staff, and administrators thrive. Individuals advancing the University’s strategic goals and those from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
Welcome from the Chair and a brief Department History:
Thank you for your interest in the Human Services Department at California State University, Fullerton. Our curriculum emerged from a set of courses taught through the University's Interdisciplinary Center in the early 1970s. Some of these classes emphasized personal growth within interactive groups. Other classes also emphasized experiential learning through fieldwork and internships in community settings.
In the early 1980s, this major was reconstructed as a Program under the direction of a Board, which sought to better coordinate with other University departments and disciplines. Offerings were originally slanted primarily toward a clinical or counseling focus. Today, while the concentration in Mental Health has remained, other tracks have been developed which incorporate Social Work, Community Organization and Planning, Policy Analysis, Administration of Human Service Agencies, and specific areas such as Gerontology, Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment, Persons with Disabilities, and a track for students preparing for Teacher Education.
While retaining the experiential and introspective dimensions that initially made the major attractive, there has been increased emphasis on social and cultural factors affecting human behavior and community life. There is also greater focus on the structure and functions of human service agencies, and effective service delivery to culturally diverse populations. Many of our courses blend a skill based focus with theoretical foundations and research.
As the curriculum developed, there evolved a permanent faculty drawn from diverse disciplines, supplemented by part-time faculty who are professionally active in the community. It became clear that Human Services had achieved its own unique vision, curriculum, and faculty.
In 1995, it was granted departmental status. Currently the Department has approximately 700+ majors. We have 12 full time professors, 3 full time Lecturers and about 20 part time lecturers who specialize in the above mentioned areas. We have established close working relationships with approximately 180 agencies which provide internship and fieldwork experience and are a major source of undergraduate preparation and networking for the Southern California area. Features of our curriculum have been frequently presented in professional lectures and publications nationwide.
Welcome to California State University, Fullerton, and welcome to the Human Services Department. May your educational experience here be as rewarding for you as it has been for others!
I am so happy you have chosen our major and hope you will stop by and see me sometime in EC 450. I have been a faculty member in the Department for several years and it is my pleasure to serve as Chair of this wonderful department. Let me know if I can support you as you strive to reach your educational and professional goals.
Joe Albert Garcia, Ph.D.
Professor & Chair
Department of Human Services
EC 450: (657)278-3153
APPOINTMENT DATE AND ACADEMIC CALENDAR The need for part-time faculty is greatest for in-person classes during the workday in Fall and Spring semesters. The Fall term begins in the late August and ends in mid-December; the Spring term runs from the middle of January through the end of May. On rare occasions part-time faculty are needed during one of the Summer Session segments.
APPOINTMENT AND SALARY All part-time faculty appointments are made as Lecturers, under the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the CSU system and the California Faculty Association. Initial appointments are for one semester only.
Classification Range: $5,007 - $6,359 per month
Anticipated hiring range depending on qualifications, not to exceed $5,925 per month
The full-time (15 units per semester) monthly base salaries indicated above are prorated to the number of units worked and are paid in six monthly payments for each full semester. For a three-unit assignment, typical starting compensation ranges from $6,008.40 to $7,110 per semester.
For a description of potential benefits, go to
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Regular performance evaluations of part-time lecturers are made by the department in accord with the faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement and University Policy Statement 210.070. These performance evaluations determine which lecturers will be retained for future and continued teaching assignments. And in some instances, syllabi, assignments and reading material will be reviewed by the departmental personnel committee.
CAMPUS & AREA Standing on 241 acres at the heart of Southern California, the university was founded in 1957 and has grown into a population of over 41,000 students. As Titans, we believe that diverse perspectives deepen our understanding. We are committed to giving students the support they need to graduate, while responding to California’s revolving work force needs. At California State University, Fullerton we strive for continual improvement of students, staff, faculty and administrators through orientations, training programs and professional development opportunities. As part of the Titan Community, you have access to many campus facilities and services including but not limited to the Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana, CSUF Garden Grove Center, Fullerton Arboretum, cultural events and performances in the Clayes Performing Arts Center, Cal State Fullerton Athletics sports events, Titan Recreation Center, and the Employee Wellness Program.
MANDATED REPORTER PER CANRA The person holding this position is considered a ‘mandated reporter’ under the California Child Abuse And Neglect Reporting Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083, revised July 21, 2017, as a condition of employment.
CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CLEARANCE NOTICEThis offer is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory background check and may be rescinded if the background check reveals disqualifying information and/or if information was knowingly withheld or falsified.
Please note, that continued employment is contingent upon your successful completion of a background screening as required under CSU policy. Faculty rehired at CSUF after a break in service of 12 or more months who have not had a CSUF background check within the past 12 months will be subject to a new background check; rehire is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the new background check
OUT-OF-STATE EMPLOYMENT POLICY In accordance with the California State University (CSU) Out-of-State Employment Policy, the CSU is a state entity whose business operations reside within the State of California and requires hiring employees to perform CSU related work within the State of California.
TITLE IX Notice of Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Gender or Sex and Contact Information for Title IX Coordinator
Advertised: Apr 18 2024 Pacific Daylight Time
Applications close: