Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. , Pacific Time (PT) This examination will remain open until the needs of the service are met and is subject to closure without prior notice.
The LA County Board of Supervisors recently declared a local state of emergency for homelessness, and the County is working to revise and expand our response to help all who are affected. We are looking for qualified and passionate individuals to help us in the mission of addressing issues like housing, mental health, and substance use. If you are looking for a new career that will directly benefit the population of LA County, this may be the opportunity for you.
The County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health is seeking qualified candidates to fill emergency Senior Staff Analyst, Health vacancies related to the homelessness crisis.
Under the emergency order, applicants who meet the requirements may be hired for an initial period of up to 90 days, with an opportunity for permanent County employment.
Before the end of your initial work period, you will be assessed on your work performance. This assessment will be weighted 100%.Those who successfully pass the assessment will be considered for permanent appointment to Senior Staff Analyst, Health. DEFINITION: Supervises a team of analysts providing technical and consultative service to management in major health service areas.
CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS: Positions allocable to this class are restricted to Department of Health Services administration and are distinguished by their responsibility for supervising professional employees in the research, analysis, and preparation of recommendations regarding the use and deployment of resources and the implementation and improvement of operations and programs having department-wide impact.
Essential Job Functions- Direct and coordinate integration efforts that advance shared Substance Use Disorder (SUD) service delivery system commitments among the three Health Departments (Department of Health Services, Department of Public Health, and Department of Mental Health), and across the social service systems to support delivery of effective care that improves lives and outcomes. This includes actively seeking opportunities to work with the Department of Mental Health (DMH), Department of Health Services (DHS), Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Department of Public Social Services (DPSS), and the Probation Department to develop meaningful relationships that lead to improved and expanded collaborative opportunities to support shared clients; and developing strategy and implementation plans with senior department leadership; and manages and supervises a group of analysts to support this work by reviewing their work, delegating work, assessing and ensuring that the work of this unit supports the overall integration goals and support services.
- Conduct strategic analysis and manage development and implementation of priority projects including those directed by State legislation (e.g., SB 43 / LPS Reform) and ensure that needs of SUD only patients are clearly understood, advocated for and addressed; participate in County level discussion with senior leadership and achieve beneficial system transformation.
- Cultivate and grow relationships with Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans to implement core CalAIM components related to shared patients and coordinating on State-level efforts to improve integration of care across the specialty and non-specialty health systems; and identifying opportunities to ensure that care coordination and case management efforts are effectively implemented within the contracted provider network to support clients with multiple diverse and complex needs.
- Develop operational systems, including policies and procedures and technology platforms, to improve efficiency and usability of beneficiary, financial, contractual, clinical, and programmatic information, and data to achieve performance metrics; and improve Bureau’s ability to ensure programmatic effectives through all Divisions and in collaborative efforts with other Departments both directed and not directed by the Board of Supervisors.
- Serves as Division liaison for other County Departments and the State as it relates to implementation of related functions and participates in meetings as required and leads development of responses to inquiries on collaborative projects which are State, County or Bureau directed.
RequirementsMINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: One (1) year of highly responsible* and complex** administrative*** or staff**** experience at the level of the County of Los Angeles class of Supervising Administrative Assistant III*****, Assistant Hospital Administrator II******, Staff Analyst, Health*******, or higher.
LICENSE: A valid California Class C Driver License or the ability to utilize an alternative method of transportation when needed to carry out job-related essential functions.
PHYSICAL CLASS: Physical Class II - Light: This class includes administrative and clerical positions requiring light physical effort that may include occasional light lifting to a 10 pound limit and some bending, stooping, or squatting. Considerable ambulation may be involved.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT INFORMATION: * Highly responsible experience is defined as experience at the senior level with extensive knowledge of program related area, processes and procedures, and experience in a specific subject matter.
** Complex experience is defined as a factor that measures the nature, the number, variety and intricacy and difficulty of tasks, steps, processes or methods applicable to the work to be done; the difficulty of identifying what needs to be done and the difficulty and originality involved in doing the assigned tasks. Major duties and difficulty of the mental processes necessary to identify what needs to be done, and the originality, problem solving, resourcefulness and conceptualization required to complete assigned tasks.
*** Administrative capacity is defined as performing work typically in an administrative services branch of an organizational unit, including responsibility for the development of procedures and participation in policy formulation.
**** Staff capacity is defined as working in an advisory capacity to line managers to provide program and administrative support.
Experience at the level of the Los Angeles County class of Supervising Administrative Assistant III is defined as one who p lans and supervises the work of staff engaged in analyzing and making recommendations for the solution of problems of organization, budget, systems and procedures, program, facilities acquisition, general management and personnel in a very large department having very complex programs.
Experience at the level of the Los Angeles County class of Assistant Hospital Administrator II is defined as one who a ssists in the administration of a County hospital by managing and coordinating the supporting services for the patient care programs of a moderate sized area of the hospital.
Experience at the level of the Los Angeles County class of Staff Analyst, Health is defined as one who r esearches, analyzes, and makes recommendations regarding the use and deployment of resources and the implementation and refinement of operations and programs having department-wide impact within the Department of Health Services.
Additional Information EXAMINATION CONTENT: Under the emergency order, applicants who meet the requirements may be hired for an initial period of up to 90 days, with an opportunity for permanent County employment.
Before the end of your initial work assignment, the appointing department will evaluate your performance. Those who achieve a passing score on this evaluation will be considered for permanent appointment.
Application and Filing Information HOW TO APPLY: Applications must be filed ONLINE ONLY and will be reviewed for interview consideration on an ongoing basis. If you have not been contacted within 60 days and the recruitment remains open or reopens for filing, we encourage you to submit a new application. This will allow you to reaffirm your interest and update any relevant information.
Applicants are required to complete and submit an online Los Angeles County Employment Application AND Supplemental Questionnaire in order to be considered for this examination. Paper applications, resumes, or any unsolicited documents will not be accepted in lieu of completing the online application and Supplemental Questionnaire. Application filing may be suspended at any time without advance notice.
Many important notifications will be sent electronically to the email address provided on the
application, so it is important that you provide a valid email address. Please add hrexams@ph.lacounty.gov as well as noreply@governmentjobs.com, and info@governmentjobs.com to your email address and list of approved senders to prevent email notifications from being filtered as spam/junk/clutter mail.
You have the ability to opt out of emails from LA County. If you unsubscribe, you will not receive any email notification for any examination for which you apply with Los Angeles County. Regardless of whether you choose to unsubscribe, you can always check for notifications by logging into governmentjobs.com and viewing your profile inbox, which saves a copy of all emailed notices.
Plan to submit your online application well in advance of the 5:00 p.m. PT deadline as you may be required to verify your email address. This only needs to be done once per email address, and if you already have a job seeker account on www.governmentjobs.com/careers/lacounty, you can verify at any time by logging in and following the prompts. This is to enhance the security of your online application and to ensure you do not enter an incorrect email address.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: Please include your Social Security Number for record control purposes. Federal law requires that all employed persons have a Social Security Number. COMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCESS AT PUBLIC LIBRARIES: For candidates who may not have regular access to a computer or the internet, applications can be completed on computers at public libraries throughout Los Angeles County. Check the website for updated information at https://lacountylibrary.org .
FAIR CHANCE EMPLOYER: The County of Los Angeles is a Fair Chance employer. Except for a very limited number of positions, you will not be asked to provide information about a conviction history unless you receive a contingent offer of employment. The County will make an individualized assessment of whether your conviction history has a direct or adverse relationship with the specific duties of the job, and consider potential mitigating factors, including, but not limited to, evidence and extent of rehabilitation, recency of the offense(s), and age at the time of the offense(s).
If asked to provide information about a conviction history, any convictions or court records which are exempted by a valid court order do not have to be disclosed. DO NOT SHARE USER ID AND PASSWORD: All applicants must file their application online using their OWN user ID and password. Using a family member or friend's user ID and password may erase a candidate's original application record.
ANTI-RACISM, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION (ARDI): The County of Los Angeles recognizes and affirms that all people are created equal and are entitled to all rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States. The Department of Human Resources is committed to promoting Anti-racism, Diversity, and Inclusion efforts to address the in equalities and disparities amongst race. We support the ARDI Strategic Plan and its goals by improving equality, diversity, and inclusion in recruitment, selection, and employment practices.
Department Contact Name: Exam Analyst
Department Contact Phone: (213) 684-8726
Department Contact E-mail: HRExams@ph.lacounty.gov
Exam Number: PH4594K-EA
California Relay Services Phone: (800) 735-2922
ADA Coordinator Phone: (844) 914-1006
Teletype Phone: (800) 899-4099
Alternate Teletype Phone: (800) 897-0077
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